Listen now to the


Podcast hosted by Suzy Ashworth

The world is in crisis mode right now, and our natural response is to fight, freeze, or flight.

Perhaps you’re finding it all too easy to let things get on top of you at the moment. Maybe you’re struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and can’t focus on what you need to get done.

I believe that in this crisis we are being confronted with one question –  “Who do you want to be?” We’re being asked to consider what we want for ourselves once we get through this thing – and so in this episode I invite you to start showing up for yourself, so you can step into the highest vision that you have for yourself.

Who’s with me?



  • An invitation in the crisis {5:51}
  • Look to the future {9:17}
  • Show up for yourself {11:35}



  • “In times of crisis. There is an invitation for us all to really take stock and think about who we are, who we want to be, and how are we going to choose to show up in this world.”
  •  “Now is the time to be looking at heroes like Anne Frank. Now is the time to be looking at people like Victor Franco. Now is a time to be looking at people like Nelson Mandela. And look at how they chose to act in the eye of the storm.”


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You can read the transcript here.

Faith + Action = Miracles

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