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Podcast hosted by Suzy Ashworth
  • 04:58 What has changed with Facebook?
  • 07:14 Desire to create more connection
  • 09:15 Best way to build intimacy
  • 10:15 What I am replacing my Facebook group with
  • “A lot has shifted in the public consciousness, with Facebook more and more people are choosing to not spend time on there.”
  • “Take the principle of creating a home where you go live every single week.”
  • “I love video. I think that it is one of the best ways to build intimacy and that strategy I think is super important.”
  • “Look at what the foundational principle is. Take that and ask yourself, how can I apply this? You know, what tactic can I use to utilise this foundational principle in a way that feels beautiful, rich and expansive for me, and then run with it.”

Why I shut down my Facebook group

Today’s chat is about building connection within a community and why I shut down my Facebook group.

A lot has shifted in the public consciousness, with Facebook more and more people are choosing to not spend time on there and the way the algorithm works, even in groups, it was challenging to get my posts seen in my regular groups.

Let’s dive into how we can find alternatives when challenges arise and focus on our foundational principle. What tactics we can use to utilise this in a way that feels beautiful, rich and expansive, and then run with it.

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