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Suzy's Blog

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Dealing With Criticism Effectively

One of my gorgeous Baby Business School students inspired me to write this blog. She posted in our group how she had been dealing with some criticism after making changes in her business. For those of you who are ready to step into your potential when it comes to growing a successful business be prepared to face criticism head on, you can’t hide from it, in fact if you don’t receive any, you’re probably not putting yourself out there enough.

If you wish to serve people in a bigger way, alongside making changes in your own life you have to start doing things differently.
You have to start looking at things differently.

You have to start acting differently.

You have to start thinking differently.

And at first that can feel really exciting.

You might feel invincible, ready and like no-one can touch you as you suddenly start seeing and really believing that all of these new opportunities you’ve spotted can really create the difference you’re craving.

It’s a bit like the honeymoon period.

And then comes the work.

So in order to make it real you have to start communicating the changes in the way that you think, work and want to act.
Now I don’t recommend you shouting from the rooftops, ‘I’ve changed, I’m changing, look at me’ at all. However, the reality is when you start to do things differently, find your voice, express your point of view and it doesn’t fit in with the status quo, what happens?

People get scared, outraged, irritated, judgemental and feel it’s their duty to explain why you need to think the way that they do. You end up feeling vulnerable as you hear and experience criticism from the people you would love to be supporting you or even worse, people you look up to.
And how does it make you feel?


You start hearing the voice of self doubt creep in, “who do you think you are anyway? What do you know? Maybe they’re right? What if they think I’m up myself? WHAT IF THEY DON’T LIKE ME ANYMORE???!!!!”

And when you don’t have the right support around you, that voice can become so loud, you retreat. Head down, like the naughty little school girl you’ve been made to feel.

Well, the next time you are feeling alone, wrong or isolated because you are sticking your head above the parapet and doing things differently.

I would love you to hear and remember this.

You are not on your own.

You are not destined to be one of the sheep, that’s okay.

You won’t always get everything right, that’s okay.

But you know if you don’t try you will never be able to expand, grow, tweak and evolve.

When you uplevel your expectations and thinking, you will leave behind the people who are not open or willing to aid, be inspired or support your expansion. That’s okay.

So what can you do?

Make sure you have a network of people who get what you are looking to achieve on call.

Surround yourself with people who only support your success and will give you the hard truth as well as the support you need from a loving place.


That includes husbands, partners, sisters, mums and best friends.
Take responsibility for your own feelings.

If you’re having an off day, don’t dwell on why you’re feeling bad, focus on what you need to do to feel better. Go for a walk, listen to some great music, exercise, eat nourishing food.

If you want even more tips on how you can take other people’s criticism in your stride, check out this article on Tiny Buddah.

Love yourself first.

Hold the vision, keep the faith.

You got this.




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