Listen now to the


Podcast hosted by Suzy Ashworth
  • 04:03 My numbers when I made 6 figures
  • 05:56 Why you need to look beyond Facebook & Instagram Ads
  • 07:04 Why I shut my Facebook group of 7000 people
  • 10:20 Don’t mistake magnetism with popularity
  • “What you frequently do is build up an audience of people who just want your cheapest thing rather than an audience of people who are invested in you.”
  • “The reason that magnetism is so juicy is that we have it in the frequency of the words, but it starts with the frequency of you.”

My number 1 tip for making (multiple) 5 and 6 figures a month

I wanna share with you the number one tip that I have to make multiple five and six-figure months with a tiny audience.

To be super transparent, I wouldn’t say that my audience is tiny now. However, when I had my first six figures in business, I had a thousand people on my email list.

When I first spoke at the Self Love Summit in 2018, I had 2000 people on my Instagram and I was still at that point doing multiple six figures a year.

So my audience has always been very, very small.

And for somebody who is now doing multiple millions a year, my email list, my social media, everything is still small compared to the other big players in the industry.

One of the stories that I have heard consistently throughout the years is that the reason that other people are more successful is that they have a bigger audience.

One of the questions that come up for me most consistently right now is what do I need to do to grow my platform?

And the answer that I give to people is never really the answer that they desire.

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