Listen now to the


Podcast hosted by Suzy Ashworth

I’m keeping it short and sweet this time, my lovers, and getting straight down to business with some tips and tricks that could help you advance your work to the next level.

I’m almost certain that if you’re sat there wondering why you’re not getting further ahead, it will be down to these few reasons. And best thing is – once you recognise that, it really is super simple.




  • Accept that you’re a work in progress {8:53}
  • Don’t overcomplicate things {9:11}
  • Ask for the sale {10:50}
  • Be consistent {11:41}



  • “I choose to know that where I am in life and how I’m showing up for myself is in alignment .”
  • “I think that so many people are not further ahead because they think that there is this magical, 150 step process and the reason that they are not at six figures or earning 5K a month or whatever, it’s because it’s really, really complicated – and it’s not.”


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You can read the transcript here.


Faith + Action = Miracles

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