Listen now to the


Podcast hosted by Suzy Ashworth

I am coming to you on the podcast with something slightly different today. A few weeks ago I asked over in my free Facebook group, The Quantum Success Hub for Female Entrepreneurs for some content suggestions, and I received some super interesting questions.


The one I’m addressing right here, right now on this episode is around how I qualify potential clients for discovery calls. Now, my approach to this has evolved as my business has too, so I think it’s really a lot to do with what stage you are at with yours. But in this episode, I take you step by step through how it has changed for me so you can decide how best to approach it for you.


Dive on in!




  • Set up the call {2:47}
  • Decide in 10 minutes {5:58}
  • Have an application form {7:20}
  • Have other people take calls {8:28}




  • “When you get into that CEO mindset, you understand that – yes, your time is your most valuable resource and are you the only, or the best person to be doing your sales calls?”
  • “As much as I love sales – and I really love sales, I know that in order for me to scale in the way that I want to scale, having a sales person and ultimately what will become a sales team is super important because it then frees me up to think strategically about how we scale about how we bring more leads in.”


Links of interest



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My goal is 100 reviews in just 6 months. Can you help me? Each month until December 2020, there will be a draw and everyone who leaves a review will be in with a chance of winning a 30-minute laser coaching session with me. So if you want to get a sample of what I do with my clients and see what we can achieve in half an hour, leave me a review on iTunes. You can do that by clicking here. Thank you so much!


You can read the transcript here.


Faith + Action = Miracles

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