3 steps to achieving your financial and spiritual goals
I was recently asked a question in my free Facebook group The Quantum Success Hub for Female Entrepreneurs (if you’re not in there already, then why the heck not!?). And that question was, ‘How can you plan and achieve your financial and spiritual goals?’.
This got me thinking.
And I actually realised that linking the who together is exactly what I do in my life and business. There is 100% a direct correlation between the amount of work I put in spiritually, and the amount I get back financially.
But what do I mean by that?
When I talk about doing the spiritual work, what I’m really talking about is getting in alignment. Getting in alignment with my vision and my mission.
And of course when I talk about financial goals I’m talking about abundance.
So for anyone looking make financial gains, at the same time as expanding spiritually – I’ve put together some steps that might help you:
- Create a double bind
A double bind is a term used by therapists which refers to when someone has attached one thing to the outcome of another. So for example, this might look like someone who has decided that they have to smoke every time they have a drink. They absolutely don’t, but they have created this relationship in their mind. But I think we can use this positively here. I want you to create a correlation in your mind between the spiritual work you do and the financial abundance you receive. For me, for example, I know that the more spiritual work I do on getting in alignment, the more I am able to help my clients to do the same. And then the more skilled I become at that, the more I am able to charge for my services, and the more abundance I have. The financial aspect is a direct outcome of the spiritual aspect, see?
- Create spaciousness
The next thing I would encourage you to do is to create more spaciousness in your life. This, for me, is what the spiritual thing really means. Time to really sit with myself and tune into my soul, so that I can then go and implement and integrate what I have learned. Personally, this is my morning routine, but for you it might be different. So my questions for you are: Where do you feel most spacious? Where do you feel most aligned? What activities help you feel that sense of centeredness and stability? Because it’s from that centeredness and stability within yourself, that you create the space for the inspiration and creativity, and that’s where the motivation to take the next step comes in.
- Create a positive money mindset
And thirdly, you need to cultivate a positive relationship with money so that you can be open to receiving it. If you’ve read my other blog, or listened to my podcast, you’ll know I talk about this a lot, and have gone over the different money stories we have and how to overcome them. But more generally, what does a positive relationship with money look like? To me, it means I need to give attention to it and treat it with intention. I need to nurture the relationship daily to get in alignment with my financial goals. So whilst I always have a financial goal for the quarter, I also break it down month by month so that I have complete clarity around what I want to receive.
Hope these helped.
If you want to check out Episode 58 of The Limitless Life Experience Podcast, where I talk some more on this topic you can here.
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All the love,
Faith + Action = Miracles