Listen now to the


Podcast hosted by Suzy Ashworth
  • 01:29 Fear of receiving money
  • 04:28 Where the energy is hiding
  • 05:48 Past stories and how you are living your life now
  • 07:22 Making the commitment to work on your inner game
  • “The security that people think money is going to give them doesn’t come from money. It has to come from within.”
  • “It’s in the following through that you get to start strengthening the trust muscle.”
  • “I want you to know that your crap isn’t unique. I want you to know that we are all working through stuff.”
  • “Most of the time I will choose gratitude and appreciation because I understand the lessons and the wisdom that I learned from walking that specific path are serving me today. And I can’t regret that.”

Are you afraid of money?

How would you like to be opening up your channel in order for you to be receiving more?

I asked this question to a client the other day and there are only really two answers for it.

This episode is potent and powerful in order to really get you thinking and so many people will resonate with this with themselves.

Find out which answer you are inside.

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