- 1:14 I think that when somebody can really feel you, it’s attractive, it’s magnetic. And I think that the reason that it is so magnetic is because when somebody feels your authentic self, what it does is give them a permission slip to be more authentic.
- 6:49 I know this. Of course I know it because I wrote it and I wrote it for me. And right now I really need this. Who will I be if right now I choose to embody all of the words that I’ve written on this page for my dear reader, i.e me.
- 8:53 The more I own this and the more I transmute the old outdated stories that keep me plateauing, that keep me in doubt, that keep me forgetting that I am whole, complete and enough anyway. The more I’m able to do that, the more potent my energy field becomes, the more attractive I become, the more creative I am, the more innovative.
- “In order to be deeply vulnerable, you have to simultaneously be wildly courageous.”
- “We are whole, complete, and enough. And we are here to create magic. Together.”
- “I can’t fail if I keep coming back to remembering why this is important.”
Dating Update
Today’s episode is one of those which I planned to be one thing and then in the process of creating it, it just grew!
I have been recording the audio book version of my new book, (you can pre order that here) and the process that I went through in terms of the reading of the book, like the literal practical reading of the book, is what has inspired this episode today.
I felt so wildly vulnerable during the three days that I was there, it was the full gamut of emotions that I experienced during this time!
So today let me share this process with you so that you can join me in this wildly courageous vulnerability.
You ready?
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