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Podcast hosted by Suzy Ashworth
  • 03:16 How to stay in trust when doubt creeps in.
  • 05:20 The phrase that opened up a new world of freedom for me.
  • 08:40 Stop trying to micromanage minutes.
  • 13:03 Everything that you are doing is contributing to your success.
  • “You are on that frequency of scarcity, of lack, of ‘it’s not gonna happen,’ because you’re trying to micromanage the minutes”
  • “Really what I’m talking about is finding as many ways that you can to just relax”

How To Find Trust When Everything Around You Says No

I have been asked, in the last 24 hours, on three separate occasions, how do you maintain the trust when everything around you is diametrically opposed to you trusting.

When you wanna trust. Like you have an idea, a vision, a dream… but you just feel blocked. When is it gonna happen? Why hasn’t it happened yet? This person over there had this idea about two seconds ago and they already look like they’re exploding.


If you have felt like that, I want you to know that you are not alone at all in the slightest. It happens all of the time. And I think that the biggest, the biggest piece of the puzzle–and you have to this piece–this trust piece is really, really important.

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