- 09:49 I know it sounds really cliche, but I’ve come from a position where if you look at my life now, this wasn’t meant to be the plan for me.
- 28:05 I think sometimes you do really outgrow people as well that aren’t on that journey and don’t have that expansive mindset.
- 28:20 And then when people see you doing all these things, I think, like, at my event a few weeks ago, we had, like, bangra music and we’re all, like, dancing and going crazy, which would be completely unimaginable. Like, 40 years ago, someone would have probably come along and sabotaged that event. Or maybe not 40, but like, 50 to 60 years ago, that wouldn’t have happened. Asian women wouldn’t have traveled to London to be at an asian woman event, probably without their husbands
- “I truly believe in transformation because I have experienced it and embodied it.”
- “Growing up, we didn’t know what our true identity was because we had so many different masks.”
- “I’m a big believer of sharing from the scar, not the wound.”
- “Success for me last year was time out.”
Leading the way for Asian Female Entrepreneurs with Sharn Khaira
Hello hello you gorgeous human!
Hold tight because I am about to introduce you to somebody that I know you are going to want to know!
It is my great pleasure to share with you an old friend, old client, an absolute kick ass entrepreneur who is forging a whole new path when it comes to mindset and mentorship and manifesting and strategy.
We talk transformation, the trials and tribulations of growing up as the only daughter of first generation immigrant parents, the masks we all wear but most especially Asian women and more.
So grab your cuppa and let’s get to it.
If you have not got your copy of Infinite Receiving, my bestselling book, you can do that right here.