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Follow the Steps

If You Want What I’ve Got, Then Do What I Do!

– Gabby Bernstein

I heard this quote this morning from one of the people I see walking their talk in this world, Gabby Bernstein, I salute you.  Normally a statement like this has the capacity to trigger me.  In a world where many times it feels as though we only find safety in herd. Which leads us to living a life on other people’s terms, was this really the message?  In the right context, absofuckinglutely.

In the context of living a life of freedom.  Freedom to live as you desire.  To own your unique talents and skills.  To share your message in ways that your tribe are literally crying out to hear.  To look at the actions of someone who is taking the steps.  Every day.  Who is showing up for themselves every day.  Who knows that embracing their shadow side is part of the process.  Who knows that leaning into fear is part of the process.  Who knows that taking lots of little steps, alongside big leaps is part of the process.  When you are able to observe that from afar.   And when you hear the voice inside of your mind saying, ‘you can have that too’.

I don’t just think it’s a good idea to do what they do. I think it’s a fucking great one.

Yesterday a Baby Business School student asked what she needed to do to step up to the next income level. I share here the steps I have taken to radically increase my income and afford my family the opportunity of having Jerome, my husband, take a year off work.

1) Make the decision about what it is you want to earn. And then own that choice. No half assing, wishing, hoping that you’re going to get there one day, just choose to know that will be your income level.

2) Look at where you are right now. What would need to change in order for you to bring that income in? The number of clients you have? Your rates? Opportunities for people to buy from you? A scarcity mindset???

3) From the above, map out a plan of action that is in alignment with your core values. Identify where you can be of service and make a significant difference to people’s lives and start taking action to make your plan a reality. Daily.

4) Decide what you need to let go of in order to create space to allow the new desires in. Physically and mentally declutter your shit and anything related to you achieving your goals.

5) Surround yourself with positive people and people who are already achieving what you desire.

In order to feel super comfortable in this space working on your mindset is paramount so you:

  1. DO NOT put people on pedestals. This holds you away from your desires, as you make those people ‘better than you’.
  2. Are genuinely able to celebrate other people’s wins. If you are not able to do this, again you hold yourself away from what it is you want to achieve because negative energy only attracts negative energy.

6) Be unattached to the outcome and HOW your desire/goals will present themselves to you. When we relinquish control and judgement on how things should come, we will be surprised and delighted by how things show up in our life, almost like magic. (Hello Hay House book deal!)

7) Expect good shit to happen.

8) Do not be a Drama Queen. This comes back to mindset, do not wallow in, or look for drama. Chill the fuck out.


If you want a 2017 that blows all your shit out of the water, the above is a VERY good starting point.

Peace out.

Faith + Action = Miracles

P.S if you want help with this, I am going to be working with a small group of 4 – 6 bad asses for five months in my new group coaching program. We start in April and I am interviewing applicants over the next few weeks. Hit me up if you’re finally ready to do this BIG TIME.

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