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How to deal with disappointment

When was the last time you felt disappointed?


I might presume that because you clicked on this blog post, you’ve experienced some kind of disappointment some time recently? It could be in business, or it could be that a friend, or family member let you down. Let’s face it – it happens all the time, right?


I wrote a blog post on how to deal with disappointment years ago, and I’m often reminded of it by Facebook, so I thought it would be great to give an update, and tell you how my process for dealing with disappointment has evolved.


I personally find this process super, super powerful – and I hope you will too!


  • Acknowledge your feelings


The first step to dealing with disappointment is really acknowledging all the feelings that come up. I really believe it’s so damaging to stuff down your emotions. Sometimes – particularly in business – we want to give off the impression that we’ve got everything under control, and so we present ourselves as the person who’s always ok, because we want to look strong. Does that resonate with you? If it does, I want you to practice feeling the feelings. If you’re holding on to guilt, shame, frustration and anger, you are not going to preserve your energy, and you’re not going to be showing up as your best self. Simply acknowledging everything that comes up to yourself first will help you move through the different feelings, and if you feel comfortable to do so, you might benefit from sharing them with someone else.


  • Find the facts


The second thing is to identify what the facts are. We have a tendency (some more than others…) to presume the worst. Especially when we’re dealing with something that’s as important to us as our businesses. When a situation arises, our minds seem to jump straight to the worst case scenario. Sound familiar? I’d bet it does. So the second step in the process is to separate the fact from fiction. Differentiate the actual, factual information from the story you’re selling yourself. Ask yourself what you are making this mean. Once you stop dramatising, you’ll feel in a much better place to move forward on to the next step. And – if you’re struggling to work out the difference due to your emotional response, you might find it useful to literally list everything out, and mark off which is fact, which is fiction.


  • Learn the lesson


Now, the final point is what was this here to teach you? There is a lesson in everything, so now you’ve got the facts of the situation, and are clear on how you feel about it, the next step is to figure out what you can learn from it. The lesson could be: I’ve learnt that I have a deep fear of rejection that I need to work on. Or it could be: I’ve learnt that I need to show on social more frequently so that X never happens again. It’s likely there’ll be more than one. So once you identify them, you’ll be able to use them to propel you and business forwards, avoid making the same mistakes twice (if you made any!), AND become more resilient. 


I really hope this helps you handle disappointment better in the future, my loves. If you found this useful, I’d love to know exactly how it’s helped you get clarity on your response to disappointment! Just drop me a message on Instagram. You know I love hearing from my people.


All the love,




Faith + Action = Miracles

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