So, why is sharing our truth so fucking hard?

I love the irony that the moment I want to start talking, teaching and focusing on messaging, I completely dry up. The words that flow so freely, with barely any thought onto the page, suddenly feel awkward or worse still, refuse to manifest.
I’m blank.
I have nothing.
Nothing feels real.
And then I remember that it’s normal for me to feel like this. This is the same type of feeling when your teacher asks you a question in class that you absolutely know the answer to and yet you freeze.
You want to speak, you’re willing yourself to speak but nothing comes out.
Or you say you don’t know.
Or worse still you say the opposite of what you know to be true.
Because to speak up is to say I’m here.
I have a voice.
This is my opinion.
And if I were to step up and share my opinion, what if people think I’m a dick?
What if they laugh?
What if they think it’s not good enough?
What if they think I’m not good enough?
And so we don’t speak.
We stay small.
We’re in full view of everyone, but we’re not being seen.
And whilst it feels uncomfortable to stand there in full view of everyone, bound by our own silence, the thought of speaking up and removing the invisibility cloak of silence makes us feel so goddamn vulnerable that we choose to sit with it.
And as we get older we continue to sit with it.
And by the time we find our partners and perhaps have children, there’s a part of us that genuinely thinks we’ve forgotten the answer, or we never knew it in the first place. And there is another part of us that is fucking raging, indignant, is shouting in the form of depression, anxiety, frustration, anger, envy. Wake the fuck up! I’m here! This is the answer.
This is what you think.
This is your message.
This is what you need to share.
This is what is going to make the difference.
Hear me now.
Share me now.
Many of us we pretend we can’t hear that voice, or that maybe it’s wrong. We remember the person we shared our thoughts with once upon a time who told us we were wrong, who told us to get back in line; and we try to silence our inner voice. We still know all the while that there’s something wrong with how we feel, how we’re showing up, who we are being but unable to quite put our finger on what.
Well, let me put my finger on it for you.
The voice you stuffed down all of those years ago.
The confidence you were born with.
The message that you came into the world with, it’s all still there, and that is what you need to put your finger on.
You can’t separate this out into personal and business – they are one and the same.
And for sure when you get into the space of OWNING that MESSAGE, owning YOUR MESSAGE: that is when you unlock the door to magic.
That is when you attract the dreamiest of dreams.
That is when you feel able to stop trying to please people that don’t get you, understand you or respect your message. That is when you finally align yourself with your tribe.
It’s not always that easy, but it is that simple.