Volume does not equal value

I work with so many gorgeous business owners and something that comes up ALL the time is how us women just give too freaking much!
So. In this live session I’m talking about giving less and delivering more.
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Less is more
If we want to create more in our life, whether it’s clients, wealth or abundance, we have to let go and create space for it.
When it comes to programs, services and looking after people – and this is particularly relevant to mothers – we feel like the more we give, the more people will value it.
Are you are overgiving, thinking it will make your your product or service more valuable?
The reason that the last run of The Limitless Life Experience was six months, rather than three, was because I wanted to give people more space.
I’d offered so much content thinking that the more I give, the more people are going to value it and the bigger the transformation is going to be. But that just leads to overwhelm – for my clients and for me.
Focus on the result
We are overloaded with information; we don’t need more of it. The fewer steps, and the fewer hoops we have to jump through in order to get the end result, the better.
Wouldn’t you rather pay somebody £100 to give you the transformation you want in ten minutes than ten weeks?
Rapid transformation
Whether you’re creating freebies, eBooks, courses or classes, look to see what’s the minimum number of steps for your audience to get the maximum transformation and OWN IT.
Leave it at that.
Want to understand how to unleash your power without giving too much? Limitless Live tickets are on sale now – get yours here.