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Create powerful headlines with Headline Studio by CoSchedule


CoSchedule headline analyzer is a tool that helps you improve your headline titles with a traffic light score and suggested edits to make them more powerful.


You type in your headline title and it gives you an analysis of performance, including the word balance of emotive and common words, character count, reading level and clarity. It also gives you suggestions of power words to use, top-ranking headlines and the SEO score. 


It works by using an algorithm that is based on proven data from 4+ million headlines.


We use the premium Headline studio pro plan which you can find here: coschedule.com/headline-studio.


We know that people’s attention span is so short on social media and we understand the need to create really captivating content for our audience. And sometimes you are just not in the flow state of thinking creatively and it can be hard to come up with really catchy headlines.


We came across Headline Studio and it sounded so good that we tried it, got amazing results from it and then we purchased the annual plan.


Here at Team Suzy we now run everything through this, including blog and caption titles for social media. We even use it for workshops, webinar and challenge titles too. We find it a great tool for any marketeer to make captions and titles catch your audience’s attention.


Here’s one of our examples from a post.


We had a post scheduled to go out titled ‘6-figure mindset tips.’ The score for this title was 50. Using the coschedule headline analyzer, we changed it to ‘1 easy money mindset tip that will transform the way you think and earn’ and the score was brought up to 90!




This was only possible thanks to the coschedule headline analyzer. We then analyzed lots of titles and found huge improvements in score and performance.


We love that it also gives you the SEO score and it gives you comparisons of what the other high performing titles in the category are doing. You can also save your favourite titles,  revisit previous search history and find new words to help create an even more powerful headline.


As part of our marketing strategy, using the coschedule headline analyzer allows us to feel confident in our social media captions and blogs. It allows our marketing team to be more creative and ensures that every piece of content we put out is top quality and transformational to our audience.


We now highly recommend Headline Studio to all our clients looking to master their messaging and improve the headlines for their business. It works really well for us and we are so excited to share this with you.


Visit coschedule.com/headline-studio for more information and to sign up.

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