Why I Closed my Facebook Group

I decided the first week back at work in January that something needed to change; I was going to close down my public Facebook group with 5,900 people in it. This raised a few eyebrows! I have spent the last two years waxing lyrical about how much I loved my Facebook group.
I was a latecomer to the party anyway, I’d resisted setting up a group until 2019, except for launches. For a long time my business Facebook page was where it was at and I had an extraordinary amount of engagement there considering the size of my audience. And it’s really because that’s where I put my energy.
Then I joined a program to just support me with how I was approaching my challenges. I have been doing challenges for years and years and I had one flop and decided that challenges weren’t for me. Which is funny considering I was having 80K launches using challenges up until this one failure.
At a mastermind event in Columbia, I met seven and eight figure entrepreneurs who were all making their money in different ways. I met a woman who had had a ‘flop’ challenge launch and made over $800,000. I realised that the story about challenges being dead was not accurate. I decided to restudy and get my head around what needed to shift. One of the strategies I learnt was to launch a Facebook group and to go in and offer value every week. And I did, I offered value every week. I sold once a month and it was an extraordinary tactic for my business.
Shift in Public Consciousness
And I used Facebook ads to grow the community, which was super effective, we grew to almost 6,000 people in just under two years. I started it at the beginning of the pandemic. A lot has shifted in the public consciousness around Facebook in those two years; more and more people are choosing to avoid it. Increasing numbers of people are choosing to not spend time on Facebook. The way the algorithm works makes it challenging to get my posts seen in my own groups.
So I found myself going back to my old school way of working. I used popup groups, around launches and challenges, which I found way more effective.
Anyway, I was on holiday during the festive period in 2021, and I took two weeks off work. I posted a little on Instagram but I wasn’t coaching. I wasn’t giving advice. And one of the things that I realized whilst I was away was that I had absolutely zero desire to keep up momentum in my Facebook group. And that was interesting to me. I have loved doing Thrive Thursday Live on Facebook. I have loved seeing the number of people who watch the replays. I love the fact that people can binge watch all of the content, but I had no desire to go on Facebook itself.
What do we need to release this year?
One of the questions that I asked the team within the company at the beginning of the year was “What are we letting go of?” What are we doubling down on that works really well, and what do we need to release? I realized that regular visibility absolutely works. I didn’t want to change that at all. As a company our focus for 2022 is a commitment to creating more connection. And although we had all of these people in the Facebook group, engagement was really low. The idea of doubling down and trying to build connection in that space on a daily basis, didn’t feel good to me. And so I decided that I was going to close the group.
My clients have reacted with surprise: “But you’ve been telling us that this is what we need to do!” My stance on this is really clear and simple. If you love it and your clients are hanging out there and the energy feels aligned, stay on Facebook. Facebook is still the most powerful platform out there. It’s still the most popular platform for 35 to 55 year olds. Instagram comes in a close second, but Facebook is still the daddy! If you like it, and it’s working for you, keep it. If it’s not working for you, then choose a platform where you can create a home and go live every single week.
Building intimacy and creating connection
I love video. I think that it’s one of the best ways to build intimacy. One of the things that I loved about the Facebook group was that it felt private to an extent. So people feel more comfortable being vulnerable in a way that they don’t on a Facebook page. I decided to move the Live Thrive Thursdays over to Instagram. But after you’ve gone live on Instagram, you can’t see any of the comments. So you lose that social proof.
I wanted a new place where I can build connection and cultivate a conversation. And so I decided that I was going to move the Quantum Success Hub over to Telegram. I post in there regularly. At the weekend, it’s usually more about my life and what is going on. On a weekday, I leave voice notes, ask questions, etc. I’m creating content that is really designed to expand the way that people think.
And I love it. Currently 85% of the people who are subscribed to the channel have their notifications on. When I post, people can see it. Each post gets between 10 and 20% engagement. That just wouldn’t happen in a Facebook group.
People are seeing the posts and they are playing with me. And that feels really intimate, really connected and lots of fun. It’s an experiment, I’m excited to see where it goes. But ultimately the reason that I shut the Facebook group is that I desired to have more connection with people who are new and coming into my world. And this experiment feels really in alignment with that desire.
It is my intention to continue using popup Facebook groups for workshops. I’m not saying Facebook is dead. Just do what feels really good. Do what feels exciting, allow yourself to be creative, allow yourself to be experimental. And if you find yourself following the blueprint, because somebody said that you need to do it like this, but it doesn’t align, consider the principle behind the concept.
Look at the foundational principle. Take that and consider, how can I apply this? What tactic can I use to utilise this foundational principle in a way that feels beautiful, rich and expansive for me?
If you wanna connect, come and play over in Telegram. Search for the Quantum Success Hub – it will be a delight to welcome you.
I’m Suzy Ashworth, a mum of three, seven figure serial entrepreneur, Hay House author, international keynote speaker, quantum transformation and embodiment coach and believer in miracles. My superpower is helping conscious leaders like you create six figure breakthroughs in your business fast so that you can expand into limitless living. Find out more.
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Most of us are doing the work in at least one of these areas. But unless you’re bringing all four pieces together, you are reducing your capacity to increase your wealth frequency in all areas of your life. It’s all four of these areas that are going to make a difference.
I would love for you to tell me which one of these areas do you know that you haven’t been putting time and attention, and intention to over the last few weeks or months? Which one of those areas do you get to give yourself more that you know would make a difference to you? Hit me up on Instagram.
If you want to check out Episode 209 of The Limitless Life Experience Podcast, where I talk about this subject more – you can head here.