To blog or not to blog

Off the back of a couple people saying bye-bye to blogging this week, I wanted to share a top tip on how you can get an infinite amount of mileage out of just one blog, if you’re prepare to do a little bit of work, just ONCE!
It’s true that you don’t have to do all of the things, and it’s much better to focus on the things that you are good at and become a master in it.
However there is a way around not completely giving up blogging which is a great medium for positioning yourself as an expert and building your network.
Check out the video here or read on below:
There is a little thing you can do to take the pressure off creating content every week if you really don’t like it. It’s an idea I found on a blog on Twitter this week, I’m recycling it and making it my own.
You write one really meaty, comprehensive blog post on your specialty. And when I say meaty I mean around 1500 – 2000 words so much longer then we normally do of around the 800 – 100 word mark.
Give as much info as possible – if you are a baby massage expert feel free to give it all in one blog post so that people are like “WOWSERS”.
I recommend that you provide one or two resources that people can download if they are prepared to part with their email addresses
The idea is that you go into a huge amount of detail either about one thing or give a really big overview so you posistion yourself as an expert and provide them with something really helpful so it’s a no brainer for them to give them their email address to download your resources.
You’re not only creating something that other people will want to share but you can use that blog post and spend £1 a day promoting that post on Facebook. Positioning yourself as the authority, collecting email addresses – don’t forget the call to action at the end… so you don’t have to keep creating, you have this one really meaty blog post doing the work that writing 1 a week would do
So my tips are:
- Just do 1
- Make it shareable
- Have something that is is going to make people want to give you their email addresses in the post
- £1 a day on promoting to new users or once a week sharing it on your FB page and in your FB groups
I hope you found it helpful, see you next week!